
Good evening!

It’s only 8 o’clock my time, but I write to you in my pajamas in my bed. I am slowly attempting to recover from quite possibly the most exhausting weekend ever. My sister came to visit from Missouri, but was only here for 2 days, therefore, we had to cram as much as we could into those 2 days 🙂 I will post about that with pictures soon!

Tonight I come to you, to update you on a subject that has, as of the last couple of months, been the bane of my existence. Something that has inspired many an emotionally driven post, caused many an angry, frustrated prayer, and caused even more tears.




I do believe I’ve said it before, but I will, without hesitation, emphasize it again, although I do not fully understand the reason behind the Lord’s delay in opening the door to a job, and although, I do not wish unemployment upon anyone, I have thoroughly enjoyed my “time off”. It has allowed me to read several amazing books, spend LARGE amounts of time with the Lord that the average person doesn’t get, wrestle with some of my own issues that I, quite possibly, was entirely too busy before to even notice, and it has given me a WHOLE new perspective on life.

How often does one get all of those things, and more? I hate to say that the Lord had to force unemployment upon me in order for it to happen, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

I now also have this incredible new appreciation for work. I have sat without a job for 2 and a half months, and all the while I have listened to so many people complain about their jobs, complain about all the stress that comes with it, complain about how their jobs consume them. I have listened to people who have no appreciation for the employment or the income it provides and I have to wonder, do they know who they’re talking to? At least they HAVE an income!

I hope to God I never take any employment the Lord hands me for granted again.

And….speaking of employment the Lord hands me……


I am not officially….






That’s right. I come to you tonight with a more positive update. My unemployment stretch is coming to an end and I could not be more thrilled.

I am now the new lead teacher in the toddler room at Small Wonders Preschool!

I know, I know, those of you that know me are probably reading this thinking, a preschool teacher?? But she majored in business? But she has no experience in a classroom setting? But she’s only ever REALLY worked with teenagers?

And to that I would say, yes, you are absolutely correct.

Our God works in MYSTERIOUS ways. 🙂 This position was not even something that was on my radar. For the last couple months I had been applying like a mad woman for business positions. Administrative assistant positions. Reception positions. Etc. Etc. I had 10 interviews in 9 weeks and still no job. Although people were telling me how strong my resume is and not to worry, something will fall into place, nothing was. Although I have LOTS of education and experience in the field I was applying, still no one seemed to want to hire me.

After awhile two things began to happen in my mind.






Panic being, my God, I need a job NOW, a job, any job, just GET A JOB.

and Creativity being, lets think outside the box, lets apply for things you might not normally apply for.


This included things like waitressing and retail (the usual) as well as, a cheer leading coaching position, nannying, a number of para professional positions in the local elementary and high schools, etc. etc.

A couple weeks ago though I had a conversation with a good friend of mine who works at Small Wonders preschool, she knew I was still searching for a job so she mentioned that the preschool was losing about 3 of it’s employees, a teacher and a couple of paras. She said she didn’t know if I’d be interested in doing what she does (a para) but that I should apply.

Trust me, I was there the NEXT DAY getting an application.

After which, I got an interview.

After which, I got the job. 🙂

Funny thing is, I walked in applying for and hoping to get a para position, however, in my interview the director of the preschool made it clear she needed to fill the lead teacher position and wanted to fill it with me.

I can’t even describe what was going through my head at that moment. A lot of fear and doubt that’s for sure. I’m not qualified. I’ve never done this before. Why would they want ME? I have no idea what I’m doing? Lord, preschool? Really? Why the heck did I get a business degree?

And yes, all of that DID flash through my mind in a split second.

But, despite every instinct in me to say, “I’m sorry, I just don’t feel qualified for this position”, I literally herd myself say:

“Oh, yes! I’d love to! It sounds like a great, very fun opportunity!”


Lord have mercy.

And just like that. I became a preschool teacher. 🙂

I turned in my background check and got finger printed at the end of last week, it should come back in the next couple of days and then I will be able to start this new exciting season of life!

I have no idea why the Lord would place me here, but I’m so excited to find out! If He sees it necessary to grow and stretch me in this area, far be it from me to deny Him. I’m ready to learn! I am also ready for that paycheck! PRAISE THE LAMB!!

I’ll keep you posted as the job unfolds!

Thank you to all who have been so faithfully praying for me in this difficult time! I am blessed to know there are so many of you out there committed to partner with me in such a meaningful way!


~ by julienglowacki on September 19, 2011.

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